27th International Conference
29-31 May 2025
Vatra Dornei
Abstract submission: 31 March
Notification of abstract acceptance: 15 April
Presenting author registration: 1 May
Submission of full paper due for review: 30 June
Notification of paper acceptance (with any requested changes): 20 October
Final paper due (with any changes): 31 October
Traditionally, the International Conference on Tourism and Rural Space in National and International Context—TARS—is two days of sessions with intense focus on sustainable tourism and the development of rural areas in Romania and worldwide.
Following the two-day conference comes a full day with visits to successful Romanian businesses in rural tourism located in the historical region of Bukovina (northern Romania).
The conference will take place at the National Agency for Mountain Areas—ANZM—in Vatra Dornei (Romania). Address: 23 Runc Street, 725700, Vatra Dornei (Romania). The ANZM belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Romania.
A Directorate within the ANZM, the Centre of Training and Innovation for Development in the Carpathians—CEFIDEC—provides free accommodation for up to 50 people (in the order of requests). Address: 23 Runc Street, 725700, Vatra Dornei (Romania). On request, payable rooms can be booked at several guesthouses not far from the conference venue.
Our Story
The TARS Conference was established in 1999 at the initiative of a group of researchers and university teaching staff gathered in Câmpulung Moldovenesc (Romania): Alecsandru Puiu Tacu, Ion Talabă, Valentin Mihai BohatereÈ›, Daniela Matei (Gheorghe Zane Institute for Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, IaÈ™i Branch), Radu Rey (National Agency for Mountain Areas, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Bucharest), Puiu Nistoreanu (Bucharest University of Economic Studies), Valentin Niță (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, IaÈ™i).
The founders, aware of the potential of tourism as a development vector and simultaneously understanding the vital necessity for a profound and extensive transformation of the Romanian rural space, have from the very beginning focused on the integration of the epistemic virtues and the applicative values of this endeavor. It is no coincidence that representatives of the Romanian scientific agora, the Romanian Academy, through the "Gh. Zane" Institute of Economic Research, have allied in this bold effort with representatives of the supreme executive forum, the Government of Romania, through the National Agency of Mountain Areas, an entity integrated into the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
The ultimate goal was that, following the systematic, meticulous research and evaluation of the Romanian rural tourism portfolio, strategies would eventually be proposed for the promotion of rural tourism at both local and national levels, thereby facilitating, to the extent possible, the development of the Romanian rural areas through tourism. For this reason, the conference, initially with an exclusively national scope, was named Romanian Rural Tourism – RoRuT. The interest in best practice examples from around the world has consistently increased the appetite of both organizers and participants for international approaches to the tourism phenomenon. Today, tourism and rural, both perceived under the imperative of sustainability, have become juxtaposed concepts, within a scientific endeavor more aware than ever of their often paradoxical interaction. "Romanian rural tourism" is now Tourism and Rural Space – TARS.
Gheorghe Zane Institute for Economic and Social Research, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch It was established in 2002 through the unification of the Institute of Socio-Human Sciences and the "Gh. Zane" Institute of Economic Research, which was founded in 1994. Website: ices-arfi.ro
National Agency for Mountain Areas - ANZM, Vatra Dornei, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Website: azm.gov.ro
Centre of Mountain Economy - CE-MONT, Vatra Dornei, Romanian Academy It was established in 2008 within the "Costin C. Kiriţescu" National Institute for Economic Research. Website: ce-mont.ro
Our Team
Gheorghe Zane Institute for Economic and Social Research, Iași
Gheorghe Zane Institute for Economic and Social Research, Iași
National Agency for Mountain Areas, Vatra Dornei
Scientific Committee
Juan Andrés GUTIÉRREZ LAZPITA, President, Euromontana - Association Européenne pour les Zones de Montagne, Brussels, Belgium
Economy and Contemporary Society - ECS is an international, multidisciplinary, double-blind peer-reviewed, open access journal published annually online by the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest.
It is indexed in Index Copernicus.
ECS is free of any fees or charges.
Tourism and Rural Space - TARS series of volumes is published by Performantica Publishing House, Iași.
It is indexed in ERIH Plus, CEEOL and Index Copernicus.
TARS is free of any fees or charges.
Georgia Tacu
Tel: +40 759 669 081
E-mail: geo_tacu@yahoo.com
Dănuț Ungureanu
Tel: +40 745 865 163
E-mail: danut_u@yahoo.com
National Agency for Mountain Areas - ANZM
23 Runc Street, 725700, Vatra Dornei, Romania
Centre of Training and Innovation for Development
in the Carpathians - CEFIDEC
23 Runc Street, 725700, Vatra Dornei, Romania