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Articles 2022: Vol. 48, Iss. 2

Apetrei, M. (2022). Harnessing in gastronomy of mountain products by fruiting the umami taste. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 7-20. ISSN: 2971-9151.


Bagrii, K. (2022). SWOT analysis as a basis for strategies designed for the management of tourism development in Ukraine. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 21-36. ISSN: 2971-9151.


Bak AteÅŸ, E. (2022). Bibliometric analysis of studies published on alternative tourism in tourism literature. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 37-46. ISSN: 2971-9151.


Balint, C. (2022). The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Romanian tourist sector. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 47-59. ISSN: 2971-9151. 


Baykal, F., & AkbaÈ™, F. (2022). Potential of using natural resources of Manisa (Turkey) in adventure tourism. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 60-82. ISSN: 2971-9151. 


Bălan, M. (2022). Evolution of religious tourism: Concept, segmentation and development of new identities. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 83-98. ISSN: 2971-9151. 


Çetin, Y., & Bayram, A. T. (2022). A research on students' views on electronic recreation activities and level of fear of missing out. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 99-105. ISSN: 2971-9151. 


Dax, T., & Tamme, O. (2022). Sustainable mountain tourism in the Alps: The “Mountaineering Villages” concept, a local model for sustainable mountain tourism in the Alps. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 106-126. ISSN: 2971-9151. 


Eren, A. S., & GündoÄŸdu, K. (2022). Investigation of studies on Romanian rural tourism with bibliometric analysis. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 127-134. ISSN: 2971-9151. 


Kekeç, B., EÄŸirmen, D., Ayaz, D., & Erkol Bayram, G. (2022). Conceptual analysis of recreational activities in rural tourism: A study in Sinop Province. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 135-147. ISSN: 2971-9151. 


Manachynska, Y., Luchyk, S., Moshkovska, O., & Yevdoshchak, V. (2022). Cost-oriented management of agritourism social infrastructure in Ukraine. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 148-162. ISSN: 2971-9151. 


Papanikolopoulou Arco, L. J. (2022). The earthquake impact on tourism industry: The Kos case. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 163-173. ISSN: 2971-9151. 


Sak, M, Yazit, H., & Erkol Bayram, G. (2022). The relationship between communication skills and tourism perceptions of local people: The case of Sinop. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 174-183. ISSN: 2971-9151. 


Sari Gök, H. (2022). Light pollution and astro-tourism: The case of Melik Plateau. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 184-192. ISSN: 2971-9151. 


Spânu, S., & Nicula, V. (2022). The cultural tourism of Blaj. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 193-207. ISSN: 2971-9151.


Todorović, B. (2022). Branding as a part of tourist destination development. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 208-222. ISSN: 2971-9151.


Varadzhakova, D., & Genchev, S. (2022). Main characteristics of the accommodation facilities in rural areas: The case study of Bulgarian North-West Region. Tourism and Rural Space, 48(2), 223-247. ISSN: 2971-9151.


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